

Hello, I'm Evelyn. Nice to e-meet you!

Some of you might know me, and some might not. Anyway, I'm just a jobless who is looking for an activity. 

I've been so bored to the dailies lately and out of the sudden I'm thinking to write a blog. This is actually not my first blog. My previous blog contained my unstable school (love)life—you don't want to know—so I moved it with an obvious reason.

On the other side, Pinterest and the craft bloggers inspired me a lot. And a flash shade about my past: I wasn't brilliant at school, as my science and social grades weren't so good and I couldn't even do sport. I was just an average student, I would say. I got the best appraisal  o n l y  at Art and Craft subject. It made me head to design university and I found my interest in ABCD: Art, Branding, Crafting, Designing (interior and product).

I always love the word Alpha (/ˈæl fə/ noun) to present the first and the beginning. I start with building my mini play-land, named "Paradise" with the minimalist-present-day style because of the friendly expenses. HAHA! I will show you the design on the next post. I'm so into buying the stuffs, IKEA and MUJI are definitely on top of the mind. I'll make so much fun with doing a lot of ABCD things in this place. I hope I can record my activities and share the positivity consistently.

This blog would be my fun diary. I'm going to share about #eνelythinks my random thought, #eνelythings my casual day, #eνehandmade my projects, and #eνehomemate my Paradise. It's all wrapped up as #evegasm on Instagram.

X, Eve 

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